Excellent: fully, originally, and specifically answers the prompt. It uses evidence from the text to support its claims, and it does not repeat lectures. An excellent response thoughtfully engages with a peer’s work, offering both affirmation and productive disagreement, supported with evidence and offering insightful observation and questions.
10.0 pts
Good: mostly answers the prompt. It uses some evidence from the text, though it may not offer much originality. A good response attempts to push conversation further, though they may not offer much more insight than the original post.
8.0 pts
Poor: Doesn’t answer the prompt fully and does not provide enough textual evidence. It may only repeat lectures and be vague. A poor response is short, unthoughtful, or unproductive.
5.0 pts
Incomplete: An incomplete discussion post is either not completed or attempted. An incomplete response is either not unfinished or is inappropriate.
0.0 pts
10.0 pts