Julie Collins, Biology 151/152 Conferencing with groups of student writers working collaboratively on writing assignments has its own challenges, and there are multiple ways you can ensure that students are motivated to participate in …
Preparing for Student-Teacher Conferences
Writing Across the Curriculum Example #1 NAME: APPOINTMENT DAY AND TIME: Class is cancelled Monday, October 2, and Wednesday, October 4 in order to make time for one‑on‑one conferences. Your conference counts as class …
Save Time by Making One-on-One Conferences as Efficient as Possible
John Bean Distinguish Between Higher-Order and Lower-Order Concerns Conferences are most productive if you concentrate first on the higher-order concerns of ideas, organization, development, and overall clarity as opposed to lower-order concerns of style, …
Conducting Student-Teacher Conferences
Brad Hughes, Writing Across the Curriculum Although you’re likely to find them time consuming and exhausting, the individual conferences you hold with your students will be time well spent: by talking directly and individually …