Our Blog Receives the John Lovas Award from Kairos!


By Bradley Hughes – In May of 2016, the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Writing Center staff was thrilled to learn that our blog, Another Word, which you’re reading now, received the 2016 John Lovas Award, a major national award. This award honors the best use of blogs and other open-publishing tools of the Internet for knowledge-creation and community-building […]

October 3, 2016

Disrupting the “Grand Narrative”: Outreach Instruction and Writing Center Pedagogy


By Stephanie Larson – In Peripheral Visions for Writing Centers, Jackie Grutsch McKinney makes the argument that writing centers operate under a “grand narrative” that narrowly equates writing center work solely to one-to-one tutoring. “[W]riting center work,” writes Grutsch McKinney, “we’re told, is about tutoring students—and a particular breed of tutoring that takes place in […]

September 19, 2016

Writing Center Moonshots


By Bradley Hughes – Do you know what moonshots are? They are really ambitious goals–or the process of trying to achieve those kinds of goals. The term refers to US President John Kennedy’s 1961 speech, at Rice University in Houston, about space exploration, when Kennedy boldly promised that the United States would land a person on the moon by the […]

September 5, 2016

Hearing Feelings and Visualizing Readers: Integrating Screencasting into Asynchronous Instruction

The Online Writing Center, Uncategorized

By Dominique Bourg Hacker – Before my work began as Coordinator of the Online Writing Center, I knew that I wanted to integrate screencasting into the email consultants’ workload. Screencasting is a video recording of your computer screen accompanied by voice narration. My predecessor, Mike Shapiro, had experimented with the technology in Summer 2014 and […]

May 4, 2016