Appendices for How to Talk to a Student Who Isn’t There


I am indebted to my colleagues Anna Floch, Sagashus Levingston, Leah Misemer, Theresa Nguyen, Virginia Piper, Eric Vivier, and especially Annika Konrad for their invaluable comments on my comments on commenting. If there is anything in my post you find interesting or enlightening or smart it is almost certainly something one of them suggested; everything else is on me.


Anson, C. M. (2012). What good is it? The effects of teacher response and evaluation on students’ writing development. In N. Elliot and L. Perelman (Eds.), Writing Assessment in the 21st Century: Essays in Honor of Edward M. White. New York, NY: Hampton Press.

Ashwell, T. (2000). Patterns of teacher response to student writing in a multiple-draft composition classroom: Is content feedback followed by form feedback the best Method? Journal of Second Language Writing 9, 227–257.

Bailey, R. & Garner, M. (2010). Is the feedback in higher education assessment worth the paper it is written on? Teachers’ reflections on their practices. Teaching in Higher Education 15, 187–198.

Chanock, K. (2000). Comments on Essays: do students understand what tutors write? Teaching in Higher Education 5, 95-105.

Ferris, D. R. (1997). The influence of teacher commentary on student revision. TESOL Quarterly 31, 315–339.

Ferris, D. R. (2014). Responding to student writing: Teachers’ philosophies and practices. Assessing Writing 19, 6–23.

Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review of Educational Research 77, 81–112.

Hyland, F. & Hyland, K. (2001). Sugaring the pill: Praise and criticism in written feedback. Journal of Second Language Writing 10, 185–212.

Knoblauch, C. H. & Brannon, L. (2006). The emperor (still) has no clothes: Revisiting the myth of improvement. In R. Straub & R. Lunsford (Eds.), Key works on teacher response (pp. 1–16). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, Boynton/Cook.

Lee, I. (2008). Ten mismatches between teachers’ beliefs and written feedback practice. ELT Journal 63, 13–22.

Murtagh, L., & Baker, N. (2009). Feedback to feed forward: student response to tutors’ written comments on assignments. Practitioner Research in Higher Education 3, 20–28.

Parr, J. M., & Timperley, H. S. (2010). Feedback to writing, assessment for teaching and learning and student progress. Assessing Writing 15, 68–85.

Phillips, F., & Wolcott, S. (2013). Effects of interspersed versus summary feedback on the quality of students’ case report revisions. Accounting Education 23, 174–190.

Still, B. & Koerber, A. (2010). Listening to students: A usability evaluation of instructor commentary. Journal of Business and Technical Communication 24, 206-233.

Straub, R. (1997). Students’ reactions to teacher comments: An exploratory study. Research in the Teaching of English 31, 91–119.

Sommers, N. (2006). Across the drafts. CCC 58, 248–257.

Weaver, M. R. (2006). Do students value feedback? Student perceptions of tutors’ written responses. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 31, 379–394.

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