Writing Center Tutors: What Kind of Students Are We?

Uncategorized / Monday, October 11th, 2010

Recently, I conducted a quick poll of our 53 graduate student tutors. Of the 36 who responded to my informal e-mail, 25 said they visit the Writing Center as students. 23 of those come sporadically, while two visit regularly. Of the 11 who said they don’t use the Center, three expressed shame at this fact (as they should).

I open with these numbers because they provide a glimpse into the opportunities a Writing Center provides for its own student tutors. As the T.A. Assistant Director, I’ve made it my priority to understand the many different ways Writing Center tutors can learn and develop from their experiences. At our staff meeting in September, I half-jokingly put forth my guiding philosophy for the year: “What’s in it for me?” I’m pushing all our tutors to look more closely at the work they do and the service they provide, to look for moments of professional and personal development. I want them to gain something from all this work, and to actively consider what those things are.

Along these lines, one question that has occupied my mind is the role of the Writing Center tutor as Writing Center student. As someone who has worked here for four years and been visiting as a student regularly, I’m coming more and more to reflect on the kind of student I am in a conference. Given that I know our underlying philosophy, as well as most of the tricks of the trade, does that affect how I approach my own text with another? Do I practice what I preach? Do my concerns as a student mirror what I do to address the concerns of my own students?

In some ways, I’m an excellent student: I almost always have a clear agenda in mind. I think about the strengths and weaknesses of my work ahead of time, and try to lay those out clearly to my tutor. I know how much we can expect to get through in one session, and how to set goals for the future. I try to always be responsive to help.

In other ways, I’m a truly awful student: I repeatedly ask for directive tutoring, and am actively looking for my tutor to tell me what’s “wrong” with my work that needs to be “fixed.” I almost never write anything new during the conference, instead making obscure notes to myself for the future, and then moving quickly on. I often expect the kind of content-focused critique that I as a tutor tend to shy away from, because I know my tutor is in my field. And as an “insider” into our practice, I always have a sense that my conferences will be “different” than “normal” sessions.

I know I’m not alone in these concerns, either. One tutor told me that, while she thought tutors made good students, we might also be more demanding of our peers, or that we might come in with higher expectations. Another told me that he often tells himself he’s “going to be the worst writing center student possible,” because he’s unfocused or has unreal expectations.

Given that so many tutors make use of the centers where they work, I wonder to what extent the unsettlement of being a student can be productive. When we enter into conferences as students, we inherently take on the anxieties that our own students face, no matter how well we know the score. “In thinking that I’m the worst writing center student ever,” the above tutor continued, “I think I’m probably pretty typical.” In the most basic sense, when we bring our work in, we can better understand the students we meet ourselves.

In this regard, I’d challenge our tutors (myself included, obviously) to see sessions not just as places for developing our writing, but places that can help develop our own practice as tutors. I’d point out these sessions as sites of unfamiliarity, a productive unsettlement. We are, in the words of one colleague, “negotiating a new relationship with someone [we] know.” We are taking on a different power dynamic. We’re seeing methods that may radically differ from our own, and learning to participate in a conversation that we can only partially control. We may even be sitting in a different space entirely. (As a tutor, I always sit to the right. As a student, I’m more often than not on the left. It’s weird.)

So to wrap up this longish post, I invite my colleagues to look more closely at themselves as students, in order to better understand their roles as tutors. How do you approach a conference about your work? Who do you choose to work with, and why? What questions of power, or familiarity, are involved with your choice? And how can you keep a focus on both sides of the table, so that these sessions can be productive for you, regardless of which role you’re inhabiting today?

-Brian Williams, T.A. Assistant Director

6 Replies to “Writing Center Tutors: What Kind of Students Are We?”

  1. This post resonates with me, Brian, especially in terms of being on the side of the tutor (is that the right side of that table? 🙂 ) when I’m tutoring a colleague. It’s a strange position to be in, when you’re working with someone who, in Brad’s words “knows how to use the Writing Center,” because we tutors often break those rules when we take on the role of student. This certainly complicates things for our tutor-colleagues. Personally, it makes me unsure about how much I should direct or guide the student-colleague away from being “the worst writing center student possible,” as someone put it.

    I wonder, though, if we do our colleagues a disservice if we assume that, as tutors themselves, they know best how to be students in the Writing Center. I don’t think I’m a very good Writing Center student, but I hope my colleagues will force me to slow down, focus on HOCs, etc. I suppose then, I need to be doing the same when I’m the tutor.

  2. I was a terrible writing center student in the beginning. One of the first things I learned is that I make some sort of face when people give me advice. Before discovering this, I had alway prided myself on the fact that I could take criticism. But after having a number of tutors verify my facial tic, I had to start teaching myself to be a better more charitable listener to criticism. Not only did this help me with my writing, but it also helped me to deal with others who might have a knee-jerk reaction to my advice about their writing.

  3. Brian, I thought this post was rather thought provoking…mostly because it made me reevaluate myself as a Writing Center student. I don’t believe that I ever gave much thought to my behavior as a student, since I assumed that my position as an instructor naturally made me the ideal WC student (haha). It definitely gives me some things to consider before my next appointment. Thanks!

  4. How did your graduate student tutors liaise with the local student community? What was the primary interface for creating student awareness of the private tutoring service? Is there a natural flow of traffic or is the tutoring service actively promoted?

  5. I remember my first college pager as a freshman. It was in Psychology class and I received an A. A good start to my college career. What was a little unnerving, however, was the fact that my professor noted that I should work at the college skills center as a writing tutor.

    I never went; I could not see myself as a tutor.

    Sometime in the past I had learned that I “was not a writer”. Even though I received a passing score on the AP English writing component, and even though most of my papers scored high.

    It took years for me to learn that I was a tutor. Even more difficult was to realize that I was a teacher.

    In browsing around today I found your post, and I agree that how we view ourselves as tutors is of profound importance.

    I realized that I was a teacher and tutor too late to help my fellow college students, but I now get the joy of helping others.

    The sooner you learn that you have what it takes the better.

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