The Wisconsin Idea and the Writing Center

Outreach, Satellite Locations, The Online Writing Center, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Center Theory, Writing Centers, Writing Fellows

The University of Wisconsin-Madison has a long and distinguished history of public service. The guiding philosophy of this commitment to public service, called the “Wisconsin Idea,” is often described as “the boundaries of the university are the boundaries of the state.” Since I have a scholarly interest in the Wisconsin Idea, I’ve been thinking about […]

September 12, 2011

The Future of Writing Centers


Each semester, instructors at the UW-Madison Writing Center sign up to participate in one of several “ongoing education” meetings on a topic they find interesting or pertinent to their professional development. As an extension of Katie’s ongoing education last semester on the history of writing centers, Melissa and I recently co-facilitated an ongoing education on […]

March 10, 2010