Writing the Body: Writing Centers and Pronouns

Technology, Uncategorized

By Neil Simpkins During my sophomore year of college, I was starting my gender transition, coming out to my friends and family about my disability, and taking a class about disability studies and personal memoir. In that class, we read Eli Clare’s Exile and Pride, Harriet McBryde Johnson’s Too Late to Die Young, and Meri Nana-Ama […]

October 2, 2017

Writing Group as Community: The Case of DePaul’s Writers Guild


 By Jen Finstrom and Matthew Fledderjohann – Jen Finstrom and Matthew Fledderjohann served together as graduate assistants and then professional staff at DePaul University’s University Center for Writing-based Learning (UCWbL) for four years. During that time, Jen began in her capacity as a facilitator for Writers Guild—the UCWbL’s creative writers’ writing group—and Matthew was a […]

September 18, 2017

Writing with Evidence in the Age of Alternative Facts

Collaborative Learning, Uncategorized, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Center Workshops, Writing Centers

By Leah Pope Parker—Conversations about evidence in writing center pedagogy traditionally focus on the genre of the research paper, where evidence includes the ideas, data, and quotations located through research that must be incorporated effectively into the prose of the paper. However, if we think about evidence more broadly within writing center teaching, as any aspect of writing that claims the authority of truth or expertise […]

September 11, 2017

The Tutoring Corona: New Perspectives on Professional Development for Tutors


By Bradley Hughes—The staff of the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison warmly welcomes you to our blog for a new academic year! As in many other parts of the US, on August 21st eclipse fever touched many of us here in Madison, Wisconsin. In southern Wisconsin, the eclipse was, alas, not total—just about 85%. Even though it was cloudy that day in Madison, I joined a number of colleagues who had spontaneously gathered at the peak, […]

September 5, 2017

Honoring Tutor Excellence at UW-Madison’s Writing Center, Spring 2017

Awards and Honors, Collaborative Learning, Tutorial Talk and Methods, Uncategorized, Writing Centers

By Bradley Hughes – It’s graduation and award time, and the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is delighted to honor two of our wonderful tutor colleagues, who are the recipients of our first annual teaching awards for graduate teaching assistants on our Writing Center staff. Every semester there are between 45 and 50 […]

May 8, 2017