Behind the Scenes at the UW-Madison Writing Center’s Online Writer’s Handbook

Technology, Uncategorized

By Bradley Hughes—always think that strong writing centers have core principles and commitments and passions at (and in) their hearts. Our Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, for example, is all about a few core ideas, values, and commitments—we’re about supporting high-level writing across all academic disciplines, writing which is absolutely central to learning and to research across the university and in the professional and civic and non-profit worlds our graduates will enter (I always say that research universities really do run on writing); we’re about supporting ALL student-writers, from undergraduates through advanced doctoral students, from every discipline, from all kinds of backgrounds […]

February 13, 2018

Honoring Professor Ednah Shepard Thomas

Technology, Uncategorized

By David Stock – If you’re an avid reader of Another Word, you may recall a blog post by Brad Hughes—the Director of the Writing Center and the Director of Writing Across the Curriculum at the University of Wisconsin-Madison— honoring Professor Joyce Steward, founding director of the UW-Madison Writing Center in 1969 (then called the […]

January 29, 2018

Writing Center Outreach and Leading from the Middle

Higher Education, Outreach, Technology, Uncategorized, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Centers

By Angela J. Zito – Last week, the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network held its annual conference in Montreal, Quebec, where the keynote speaker Randy Bass called upon all of us in attendance (and the programs and institutions we represented) to help steer higher education in the direction of increasingly inclusive and integrated learning […]

October 31, 2017

Blame the Writing Center

Technology, Uncategorized

By Michael LeMahieu – In the summer of 2011, I found myself in an unexpected position. I had just accepted an offer from the college dean to serve as Director of the Pearce Center for Professional Communication. This, some of my most trusted colleagues told me, was a mistake. Professional communication wasn’t my field. I […]

October 16, 2017