Writing Center Websites and Their Discontents or Dissing the Contents of Your Own Writing Center Website

Graduate Students, Technology, The Online Writing Center, Writing Center Research, Writing Center Tutors, Writing Fellows

All Graduate Teaching Assistants (TAs) who are beyond their first semester of tutoring in UW-Madison’s Writing Center participate in professional development opportunities, known as Ongoing Education opportunities, affectionately, as an “OGE.” At the start of a semester, Teaching Assistants will often see a description at the top of an OGE selection form that reads as […]

February 14, 2012

It Begins with a Mentality: Disability and the Writing Center

Disability and Writing Centers, Graduate Students, Social Justice Committee, Student Voices, The Online Writing Center, Writing Center Theory, Writing Center Tutors, Writing Centers, Writing Fellows

By Sarah Greenfield. The day I met Laura (a pseudonym) was a memorable one. It was a slow day at the Writing Center last January, and I had a free hour in the middle of my shift. Laura was scheduled to meet with me later, but had mistaken the time of our appointment and had […]

December 12, 2011

Is There a Person in This Text? Synchronous Online Writing Instruction and Personhood as a Collaborative Gesture

Satellite Locations, The Online Writing Center, Writing Center Theory, Writing Center Tutors, Writing Centers

By Christopher Syrnyk The physical embodiment treatment . . . When writers come through the doors of the Main Writing Center (WC) at UW-Madison, it’s worth considering how we instructors can process many bits of information about them. Before we meet, we’ve typically reviewed instructor records to prepare us for the session in the here […]

September 27, 2011

The Wisconsin Idea and the Writing Center

Outreach, Satellite Locations, The Online Writing Center, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Center Theory, Writing Centers, Writing Fellows

The University of Wisconsin-Madison has a long and distinguished history of public service. The guiding philosophy of this commitment to public service, called the “Wisconsin Idea,” is often described as “the boundaries of the university are the boundaries of the state.” Since I have a scholarly interest in the Wisconsin Idea, I’ve been thinking about […]

September 12, 2011

Tools of the Trade

The Online Writing Center

As a dissertator and the Coordinator of the Online Writing Center, when I’m not untangling late 16th-century poetry, updating the Writing Center’s website, or making sure our synchronous and asynchronous instruction runs smoothly I like to poke around the web to try and figure out how to make the many hours I spend in front […]

December 1, 2010

The UW-Madison Writing Center Turns 40

Classes, Community Writing Assistance, Events, From the Director, The Online Writing Center, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Centers, Writing Fellows

Last October the Writing Center held an open house to celebrate the Center’s 40th birthday. Well over 100 students and colleagues came from across campus to— chat with our staff peruse posters about our programs sample our podcasts and our online consultations and videos of in-person consultations nibble on birthday cake from Lane’s Bakery and […]

February 3, 2010

Online Writing Instruction: Different Media, Different Expectations — Still Good Teaching, Learning, and Writing

The Online Writing Center

When we begin instructor training we start with stating that online writing instruction differs from f2f, and its the Coordinators task to lead discussions regarding why good teaching, good learning, and good writing can emerge from networked spaces (Harrington, Rickly, & Day, 2000). Online writing instruction is also a topic that I’ve seen on the wcenter list-serv as writing center directors/coordinators explore the possibility of starting OWCs on their campuses, so I hope to explain in the extremely limited scope of this post a few of these differences and address concerns about the effectiveness of OWI.

October 4, 2009