What I’ve Learned from Working With Blind and Visually Impaired Writers


By Annika Conrad—I was always wary of stepping outside the classroom. As someone who moved straight from college to graduate school, I’ve felt most comfortable working with students. I had a lot of questions about what it would mean for me to bring my skills as a writing instructor to communities outside the university: Would people trust me? Would they view me as a know-it-all academic? Would my university experiences actually translate into helping community members with their writing? For a long time, questions like these prevented me from taking the leap. But when I joined a support […]

September 15, 2014

Two Heads Are Better: An Experiment in Paired Skype Tutoring

Satellite Locations, Technology, The Online Writing Center, Tutorial Talk and Methods, Uncategorized, Writing Center Tutors

By Leah Misemer Leah Misemer is a PhD candidate in English Literature at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she has been working as a Writing Center instructor for three years.  She served as the TA Coordinator of the Online Writing Center at UW-Madison for the 2013-14 school year. Usually, we think of a writing center […]

September 8, 2014

Two summer experiments

Writing Centers

Warm breezes waft down State Street, students linger on Memorial Terrace, and a thousand construction vehicles purr in the gravel-filled trenches that used to be our roads and sidewalks. It’s August in Madison, and the Writing Center is open. Many of the Writing Center’s programs continue over the summer—instruction, Fellowing, outreach, and workshops, among others—with a […]

August 6, 2014

To Consolidate or Not to Consolidate? That Is the Question . . .


By Bryan Trabold, Suffolk University Bryan Trabold is an associate professor of English at Suffolk University in Boston, former director of Suffolk’s Writing Center, and currently serves as a faculty mentor to writing tutors at Suffolk’s newly created Center for Learning and Academic Success (CLAS). He is in the final stages of completing his book […]

May 5, 2014

How to talk with a student who isn’t there

Writing Centers

Ineffective and effective practices for commenting on student writing By Mike A. Shapiro, @mikeshapiro, TA and Co-Coordinator in the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Those of us lucky enough to teach in a classroom or tutor in a writing center recognize how much learning can happen in a 30-minute conversation. Spending those same […]

April 21, 2014

DesignLab: Shaping the Experimental Digital Studies Landscape at the University of Wisconsin-Madison


By Laini Kavaloski Laini Kavaloski is a Ph.D. student in English and a DesignLab consultant at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. At their best, experimental spaces within the university inspire new fields of inquiry, cultivate new pedagogies, and make cross-disciplinary connections. The innovative University of Wisconsin-Madison’s DesignLab was established in 2011 in order to improve the […]

March 31, 2014

Results of a Research Expedition: A Study of Writing Center Leadership

Collaborative Learning, Writing Center Research

By Katrin Girgensohn, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt, Oder, Germany Two weeks ago, a newspaper notice has caught my interest: The National Library in Berlin has received the original logbooks of Alexander von Humboldt’s expedition to South America. All his notes, drawings, thoughts – every word he had scribbled down every evening during his journeys, are […]

March 24, 2014