New Podcast Presentations by Katrin Girgensohn

Collaborative Learning, From the Director, Higher Education, International Writing Centers, Madison Area Writing Center Colloquium, Peer Tutoring, Podcasts, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Center Research, Writing Centers

All of us at the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are delighted to share two new podcasts from our theory and research series, featuring Katrin Girgensohn, a faculty member and Director of the Writing Center at European University Viadrina in Germany and one of the leading writing center scholars in Europe. During 2011-12, […]

June 21, 2012

A Room with a View / Writing with Others

Graduate Students, Science Writing, Tutorial Talk and Methods, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Center Tutors, Writing Center Workshops, Writing Centers

Unfortunately, the photograph with which I would have preferred to begin this post doesn’t exist. Instead I’ll have to help you reach the right place to recreate the picture for yourself mentally. I’m John Bradley, interim associate director of the Writing Center; thanks for following my lead. I’ll get to the point along the way, […]

April 30, 2012

The Rose Pathways Writing Project: Developing a Language for Writing

Collaborative Learning, Peer Tutoring, Satellite Locations, Student Voices, Tutorial Talk and Methods, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Centers, Writing Fellows

By Amanda Detry and Molly Rentscher. Each new semester in the Writing Fellows Program presents a range of exciting opportunities and challenges. Having served as Writing Fellows for the past few semesters, we have collaborated with many faculty members and worked with students of all writing levels and abilities. Amid such diversity, however, every writing […]

April 23, 2012

Bridges That Outlast Their Builders: Creating Ongoing Partnerships through Outreach

Outreach, Science Writing, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Center Tutors, Writing Centers

During the snow storms last week, I trekked through the layers of fresh Wisconsin slush to the Social Sciences building. I made my journey upon an invitation to meet with a Sociology faculty member, prepared to discuss co-teaching a session on poster presentations. While watching flaky descents of snow through his window, we chatted for […]

March 5, 2012

The Madison Area Writing Center Colloquium

Big 10 Writing Centers, Community Writing Assistance, Disability and Writing Centers, Events, From the Director, Graduate Students, International Writing Centers, IWCA, Madison Area Writing Center Colloquium, Midwest Writing Centers Association, Student Voices, The Online Writing Center, UW-Madison Writing Center Alumni Voices, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Center Research, Writing Center Workshops, Writing Centers, Writing Fellows

I’ve long argued that writing centers at research universities should prepare interested doctoral students to lead strong, innovative writing centers and WAC programs when they move into their faculty careers.  And that we should do this in systematic and sustained ways.  Being a dedicated, successful, experienced writing tutor is of course a necessary part of […]

February 20, 2012

Exciting Things Going on in Germany

International Writing Centers, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Center Research, Writing Center Tutors, Writing Centers, Writing Fellows

As a visiting scholar from Germany at the UW-Madison Writing Center, I sometimes feel jealous of all the things going on here. Having a writing center with 110 people working as writing fellows, writing consultants and as leadership staff, and, even more important, experiencing how the writing center is valued here at the university, seems […]

February 6, 2012

Join Us “On the Isthmus” at the 2011 MWCA Biennial Conference!

Events, Midwest Writing Centers Association, UW-Madison Writing Center Alumni Voices, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Center Tutors, Writing Centers

By Rebecca Lorimer and Elisabeth Miller. The 2011 Midwest Writing Centers Association Biennial Conference will take place here at the University of Wisconsin-Madison October 20th-22nd. This year’s theme, “On the Isthmus,” gestures quite literally to the conference’s location, but also to the quality that makes this conference unique: just as writing centers bridge disciplines, locations, […]

October 17, 2011

Co-Teaching as Synthesis: Learning to Ask Questions

Outreach, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Center Tutors, Writing Centers

The students in Professor Rebekah Willett’s first-year course on the Internet and Society are crouched over their desks and laptops, some scribbling, some typing, some doing so fervently, some reluctantly. All are working to formulate a couple of sentences that synthesize two paragraphs of text they have in front of them. I’ve just walked with […]

October 10, 2011

Who Needs a Muse? The Real Reasons Why UW-Madison Students Are Attracted to Ongoing Appointments

Graduate Students, Multilingual Writers, Student Voices, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Center Tutors, Writing Centers

By Rachel Carrales. The summer before last, I spent a month traveling through France, Italy, and Spain. It was a whirlwind trip, and I was only able to spend a day or two in each city I visited. It was so fast, in fact, that I find myself remembering only snippets of things: the fat, […]

October 3, 2011